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Seaforth Geosurveys Inc.

Seaforth Geosurveys Inc.


Consulting Project Studies & Research Subsea Consultants; SMEs Environmental Marine Survey; Charts; Mapping Surveys; Charts; Mapping Seismic Services & Equipment Services Offshore


Seaforth Geosurveys is a marine geomatics company specializing in marine geophysical & geotechnical site characterization, marine geophysical, geotechnical/geochemical investigations, precise navigation and positioning, multibeam bathymetry and seabed sampling, submarine pipeline and cable route surveys, pre-engineering studies, UNCLOS consulting, desktop studies and more. Sector specialization includes ocean/offshore renewable energy (wind, tidal, wave), offshore oil & gas, submarine telecom & power cable route investigation, marine engineering, environmental baseline studies and Law of the Sea consulting.


David Lombardi

ConsultingMarine Survey; Charts; MappingRenewablesROVSurveys; Charts; MappingTechnical ServicesTidal PowerWave PowerWind OffshoreWind Onshore
Garry Casey

Jonathan Mackie
Marine Geoscientist

Carolyn O'Brien
Accounts Administrator

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