Surveys; Charts; Mapping Simulation and Visualization Seabed Intervention & Pipline Protection Marine Survey; Charts; Mapping Research & Development Instrumentation Training Environmental Subsea Structures Subsea Consultants; SMEs Project Studies & Research Onshore Consulting Offshore Inspection Services Services Gas Detection Electrical & Instrumentation
With unparalleled harsh-environment expertise and world-leading capability in remote sensing, ice engineering and geotechnical engineering, C-CORE provides R&D services and technology solutions to help clients mitigate operational risk and to address security, sustainability and safety issues related to regulatory and operating needs worldwide. C-CORE also hosts LOOKNorth, a national Centre of Excellence for remote sensing innovation to support safe and sustainable northern resource development.
Paul Griffin
President & CEO
Pradeep Bobby
Kelley Dodge
Senior Project Engineer, Earth Observation
Chris Fowler
Director, Systems Group
Susan Kennedy
VP Corporate Services
Tony King
Deputy Director - Ice Engineering
Gerry Piercey
Centrifuge Manager
Desmond Power
VP Remote Sensing
Freeman Ralph
Vice President, Oceans & Energy
Jared Remedios
Communications & Marketing Manager (Interim), Corp
Carla Russell
Carolyn Walters
Shauna Waterman
Communications Manager