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AGAT Laboratories

AGAT Laboratories


Food Safety Water Quality Analysis Toxicology Testing Oil & Gas Services


AGAT Laboratories is a highly specialized, Canadian-based company that provides laboratory services worldwide. With over 40 years of experience, coast to coast, AGAT Laboratories is the most geographically and technically diversified laboratory in Canada. Our scientists are highly skilled and specialized in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, geology, engineering and specialty analysis. Committed to local communities, AGAT Laboratories aims to maintain our purpose of “Service Beyond Analysis”.

AGAT Laboratories’ operations encompass 14 scientific divisions to offer full-service solutions to multiple industry types within the Environmental, Energy, Resources & Renewables, Minerals & Metals, Industrial, Transportation, Agri-Food and Life Sciences sectors.

AGAT Laboratories specializes in the following scientific areas:

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Ultra-trace and Toxicology
  • Agricultural Analysis
  • Food Testing
  • Geology and Petrology
  • Reservoir Characterization
  • Air Quality Monitoring
  • Petroleum Testing Services
  • Oil Sands Analysis
  • Advanced Rock Properties
  • Core & Materials Testing
  • Mining Geochemistry
  • Lubricants Testing Services
  • Geotechnical Testing Services

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